Saturday 31 May 2014

Best family budget hotel near lego land. - Hotel in Johor Blog - Blogger - Hotel in Johor Blog

Best family budget hotel near lego land. - <b>Hotel in Johor</b> Blog - Blogger - Hotel in Johor Blog

Best family budget hotel near lego land. - <b>Hotel in Johor</b> Blog - Blogger

Posted: 20 May 2014 02:46 AM PDT

I hereby calling out to all seafood fans, you better not skip this post when you stumble upon it. I would advise you to continue reading so that you can thank me later because this post featured an awesome seafood treat you would not want to miss.

Now mark the coming Friday night on your calender. Done? Don't ask why, just follow me to Harbour Café, Traders Hotel located in Puteri Harbour Johor because from now on, every Friday Harbour Café will have its scrumptious Seafood Buffet for all seafood lovers! Yes, Seafood buffet!!!

Anxious to find out what are being offered? So am I! As you walked into Harbour Café, you will be welcomed by this long salad bar. I am not a salad person, so I basically skipped this session but I will still give a brief intro.
If you walk around Harbour Café it is not difficult to realize that Traders hotel or I should say the chefs took time and effort to decorate the whole place. Every single corner is nicely packaged with appropriate decorations.

On the salad bar itself, there are varieties of choices. The fish palette.

How can you not have fresh fruits for salad right? I guess that's the only food I eat on the salad bar (told you I am not a salad person).

Oh my! Guess what I found on the salad bar? A huge tub of Cheese!!! Can I takeaway some? I need them to cook Creamy Tuna spaghetti for kareshi, lol.

After the salad bar, you will be greeted by Sushi station. The sashimi are free flow!!! EAT-ALL-YOU-CAN!! (Ermm, it's buffet of course it's free flow!) Haha, too excited to see sushi, you know I'm a Japan freak, I go crazy over anything related to Japan.

But, I'm not the only one that went crazy over the sashimi and sushi. Look at how excited Ler is! She is definitely enjoying herself to the max!

I love their soft shell crab too! It's a hot snatch, so do grab one when you see them on the tray, or else you will have to wait for the next.

Besides sashimi and sushi, there are plenty of fresh seafood variety available at the sushi station too! Prawn, crab, oyster, octopus; you name it, they have it!

Just next to it is the seafood station! Pick the seafood of your choice, hand it to the chef, tell them how you would love your seafood to be cooked, and the chef will prepare for you!

Among all, I have to say this is my favourite! Salmon with Salted Crust! It is so so so so nice! I almost wanted to bring the whole fish to my table, but I decided not to because good stuff must share right? You are welcome.

I especially like the decoration of the soup corner. It's very old school, reminds me of childhood memories where we still use charcoal and stove like this to cook. Although I didn't get the chance to try the soup, but Ler says the Lotus soup is good!

If any of you can't be satisfied just by seafood, Traders does provide some meat dish at the BBQ station for the buffet session too!

Chef Alan says, when it comes to beef, potato side dish is a must!

Other than seafood and meat, they also have some Chinese cuisine ready to be served. Some noodles, dimsum can be found at the noodle station. I really like the thoughtfulness of Traders. Although it is suppose to be Seafood only since it is seafood buffet, but they are flexible when it comes to attending to the needs of customers, hence they provide some meat and Chinese cuisine just in case some may have craving for them. 

Can't remember who ordered this (wonder if it's chef that ordered for us), but I have to say this Chili Crab is good! Finger licking good!

And the best of all, we have a private crab cracker! Thanks Kelvin for cracking and serving the crab meat! We can't thank you more! Arigatou gozaimasu!

After all those heavy food, time for something light, it's Dessert time! I am absolutely an Ice cream person (actually it is because I can't eat cakes!! so Imma gonna lie to myself that I don't like cakes, I only love ice cream.)

There are more than 30 types of cakes and dessert available. They keep saying that this is nice, that is good, but I can't taste them!! so I revenge by eating another bowl of ice cream! lol

Oh ya, how can I not mention their DUO chocolate fondue? It was said that it's the first in Johor! Have you tried them? Don't be so out-dated ya, try it this Friday when you go for the seafood buffet.
Besides all the dessert above, we were lucky to be treated for some extras. Tiramisu, they said this is just okay, the coffee taste is not strong enough.

but this New York Cheese cake is the BEST, best of all! So creamy and it melts in your mouth! I swear when I saw their facial expression, I have the urge to just swallow the whole cake.
You know, after all those food, we can hardly move so we just stick to the chairs and have some chit chatting with Chef Neow. He shared with us his story, some of his secret method in cooking (quite useful as I want to cook nice food for my kareshi). Besides sharing his stories, he also shared with us his best dessert- Red bean paste Crepes.

Jade paste (lotus paste with pandan juice) Crepes. Don't underestimate these crepes, it takes lots of skill and hours to make them. I  love them but it's so hard to find these on normal restaurant, so now I know why nobody wants to make them, because it is too troublesome and too much effort.

With Chef Neow Kor Ming! Thanks for the courtesy dessert! I really really love it!

One with Aida. It's not the first time I met her (in fact we've met countless times due to my job, will be seeing her more in the coming month), but still it's my pleasure to see you!

With Eryn and Aida, PIC of Traders Hotel.

Thanks Traders Hotel, Thanks Aida, Thanks Chef Neow and Chef Alan for the scrumptious Seafood Buffet, I will definitely come back for it!

It's Wednesday today, 2 days to Friday! Now, pick up your phone and start calling to make your reservation! Reservation can be done by calling this number (607) 560 8888 / (6012) 260 7294 or email You better do because it is always very crowded. Hope you will enjoy the seafood as much as I did!

Seafood Buffet is available on Every Friday from 6.30 pm to 10.00 pm. Price is RM 108++ per adult and RM54++ per child (under 12 years old).

Need another reason for you to pick up the phone and start calling? Okay, how about ample of free parking space, sounds good? Get your fingers moving now.

Thanks for reading. Until next time,

If you like this post, share the ish out for me, would you? Leave a comment too!

Don't forget to show me some Love~♥

♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥


Grand Bluewave <b>Hotel Johor</b> Bahru | showmetheplace

Posted: 20 May 2014 06:03 AM PDT

Image 20 May

DSC_0566Great short getaway from Singapore. My family of seven members stayed for 3 days 2 nights here. Comfortable room, great swimming pool, delicious breakfast and warm staff.

Superior room. Spacious and clean for the five of us.

Superior room. Spacious and clean for the five of us.

Our room faced the pool.

Our room faced the pool.


Tea and coffee. Milk bottle is property of my baby,hehe

Watch more on this hotel

Friday 30 May 2014

Peggy Loh ~ My Johor Stories: Floral Art Show - Hotel in Johor Blog

Peggy Loh ~ My <b>Johor</b> Stories: Floral Art Show - Hotel in Johor Blog

Peggy Loh ~ My <b>Johor</b> Stories: Floral Art Show

Posted: 30 May 2014 07:52 PM PDT

A Hana-isho radial arrangement in the Ohara school of
ikebana will certainly enhance a dining table setting
"Heritage of Flowers" is the theme for the annual exhibition of Ikebana International Johor Baru (IIJB), Chapter 235, planned for June 1 & 2 at the Puteri Pacific Hotel Johor Baru.  The aim of this year's theme is to celebrate the heritage of the various schools of Ikebana with a special tribute to Charter President YAM Tunku Shahariah bte Almarhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman. 
There are several schools of ikebana that follow a particular set of rules and arrangement techniques with the more popular Ikenobo, Ohara, Sogetsu, Koryu, Ryuseiha and Ichiyo schools of ikebana and in this year's exhibition, IIJB members will be creating legacy arrangements by various headmasters from selected schools.
Shirley Cheah, Sogetsu instructor, helping study group
students in their selection of flowers

IIJB members study ikebana or the art of Japanese flower arrangement that follows a fixed pattern of a triangle with three points that represent Heaven, Earth and Man, from experienced instructors as well as visiting flower masters.  The key consideration in ikebana is to use as few plant materials as possible to compose an elegant arrangement. 

The emphasis is on linear perfection, colour, harmony, space and form, and the choice of plant materials is guided by the artist's desire to create harmony between the materials and the vessels used. 

Sogetsu student, YM Gusti Puteri Retno Astrini
practicing her flower arrangement using dried twigs

The heritage of the IIJB chapter in the Sogetsu, Ohara and Ikenobo schools of ikebana will be showcased in the coming exhibition through arrangements by members of IIJB and invited guests that represent the schools of ikebana that they are studying.  To prepare for the exhibition, the students are planning and practicing the arrangements for their ikebana presentations under the tutelage of their respective instructors.  This annual exhibition is an eagerly anticipated event because it is an opportunity for students in the study groups for the Sogetsu and Ohara schools of ikebana here to exhibit their floral art to the public.

Japanese students, Tomoko Shinohara [Left]
and Shizuyo Hiroi in the Sogetsu study group

Study group students in the Sogetsu and Ohara schools of ikebana meet twice a week for lessons that follow ikebana textbooks and take examinations to qualify before going on to the next grade.  The study group in the Sogetsu school of ikebana is guided by instructor, Shirley Cheah, an accomplished Sogetsu practitioner who has been a student of a Master of Sogetsu and President of the Sogetsu Association of Singapore, Mrs Kazue Kato Kim, since 2007. 

With more than 30 years as an ikebana practitioner, Past President of IIJB and President of the Ohara School of Ikebana, Singapore Chapter, Datin Ong Kid Ching, is the instructor for the study group in the Ohara school of ikebana.

"An exhibition is a real opportunity to display the personality of the Sogetsu Study group and for us to learn from the experience of exhibiting our floral art," said Cheah on how her students are preparing a range of floral arrangements for the exhibition in the Sogetsu school of ikebana.  While it is usually a more mature audience who may appreciate the art of flower arrangements, Cheah aims to promote ikebana to younger people and even students.  She said this year's trend in Tokyo is the use of dried twigs so her students are encouraged to use them in their arrangements for the coming exhibition.


Ohara instructor, Datin Ong Kid Ching [2nd from Left]
demonstrating an arrangement with some of her
Ohara study group students

"In the Ohara school of ikebana, less is more," said Ong, a Third Master in the Ohara school of ikebana who also holds the Komon (Advisory Grade) in the Sogetsu school of ikebana in Japan. 

Ong encourages students in her study group to draw inspiration from plants and colours that exist in Nature and try to recreate Nature in their arrangements because Ohara arrangements have a lot of green as its base colour that emulate Nature and the seasons.  All Ohara arrangements for the exhibition will use unique ceramic vessels made by Ong who is also a talented ceramic artist.

Datin Ong giving her comments to
student, Ira Wolf, on her Hana-isho
rising form arrangement by Natsuki Ohara

The public is invited to "Heritage of Flowers," the IIJB annual ikebana exhibition that will be held in the lobby of the Puteri Pacific Hotel on June 1 & 2. 

The highlight of the programme on June 2 is a guest demonstration in five schools of ikebana by accomplished ikebana practitioners like Tan Bo Tan who will demonstrate for the Ikenobo school, Momoka Emmett for the Ryuseiha school, Anju Bhardwaj for the Ichiyo school, Shirley Cheah for the Sogetsu school and Datin Ong Kid Ching for the Ohara school.  While the demonstrators will be provided one common material for each of the two arrangements they will demonstrate simultaneously, containers and other materials will be chosen by them to express the style of their respective schools of ikebana.

Membership in Ikebana International Johor Baru is open to all who are interested in the Japanese art of flower arrangement.  Visit Facebook page: for membership enquiries and more info about the activities of IIJB Chapter 235.  A gallery of Ohara floral art is available on  while enquiries on the study group for the Sogetsu school of ikebana may be sent to email: 

A version of this article was published in The New Straits Times, Streets Johor on 28 May 2014



McCountry - <b>Johor</b>, Malaysia - May 2014

Posted: 30 May 2014 05:54 AM PDT

Consumed on 25 May 2014

Location - City Square Mall, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Price - 7.50MYR = $2.33USD

Calories - Unknown

About a month ago, my wife and I made a weekend trip over to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to meet my mother who was transiting through.  Our first afternoon there, as soon as we finished a large lunch, I noticed a poster outside of a McDonald's promoting the McCountry.  I knew there was a McDonald's close to our hotel, so I thought I would pick one up a bit later in the day.  That McDonald's, nor any other McDonald's I past over the next 2 days would carry this burger.  We never did make it back to the side of the city where I first saw it, so I left KL without being able to try it. Since I had been in Malaysia the week prior, and I didn't see it at the branch I visited, I thought it was a new burger which was slowly rolling out so I didn't worry all that much, since my wife and I are over in Malaysia at least twice a month.  I sent McDonald's Malaysia a Facebook message, and they told me that it was a burger only being released in test markets, and if it preformed well, it would roll out nationwide.  I was a bit disappointed, as I thought I would have had to hope that it did preform well, so I'd be able to try it in Johor.  Whereas I'm usually very unlucky with McDoanld's promos, where they finish the day before I arrive, or start the day after I leave somewhere, I actually got lucky and found it in another branch in Johor last weekend.  

No promotional packaging for this one
Unlike some of the larger promotional burgers in Malaysia, this one was value priced.  Only 5.95MYR for a combo ($1.55USD) during lunch and dinner hours, and 7.50MYR ($2.33USD) for the rest of the day.  "Lunch" finished at 2pm, and I was literately standing at the counter with my mouth open, about to say my order when the manager rung a bell, and staff who was about to take my order walked away and spun the boards around to the full price.  Since I had to wait for 5 people to place their order before me, I was pretty miffed that as soon as I got to the counter it switched over.  I asked the staff if I could have it at the lunch price, since I was in the queue and about to place my order when it was still lunch time. I got a look shot back at me so dirty, that it was like I just asked for my meal to be free, or her first born child, or something that was much more significance than a such a tiny discount on my lunch.  I made a comment that I would have been within the time if she hadn't been so slow serving the others (I picked the slowest queue), and left it at that.  I wasn't going to lose my chance to have this burger a second time around.

I had an assumption from the first time I saw the promotional poster back in KL, that I knew exactly what this burger was going to be.  It was being promoted as "Chicken Sausage burger", with a "country sauce", but the photo gave it away. Malaysia is a Muslim country, and McDonald's doesn't serve pork sausage in their breakfast McMuffins, so I knew this was going to use their standard chicken sausage from their McMuffins served inside a hamburger bun.  I hoped that "country sauce" could have been interesting, but take a look.  Apparently country just standard mayo.

Thankfully, it seemed like the patties weren't just leftovers from breakfast hour, as it wasn't as soggy as it would have been, but it still wasn't fresh either.  The patty was luke warm, and since they are made to be in a English Muffin, being so thin, when placed between a large bun you could barely taste it (I'm not sure why the didn't use the smaller hamburger buns).  The "country sauce" was a joke of a disappointment, and it only had the same veg as a McChicken, which means just lettuce.  Seeing as a McChicken is only $5.95MYR for the combo, I don't see how this one deserves a premium price, where there's nothing premium about it.

Rating - 1/5